Recipe: Pumpkin Bar

  • Enough Oatmeal soap base to fill mold
  • 1/2 tsp honey
  • 1 tsp white clay
  • 1/2 tsp red clay
  • dash of Bramble Berry Arabian Spice
  • 1/2 tsp Pumpkin Fragrance Oil

For this recipe I used a rounded mold.

The oatmeal soap base was melted in the microwave by cooking on high for 10 seconds, stirring and continuing this way until thoroughly melted. Once melted, the honey, scents, and clays were added, mixed and then cooked for another few seconds and then stirred one more time.

In the bottom of the mold I sprinkled just a touch of cinnamon, then poured the mixture in the mold and left it to set.

Review: Pumpkin Bar

This recipe was reviewed by four people. Most liked the way it looked but the only scent they could really identify was the cinnamon. The clay clumped and the next time I try this recipe I will mix a small amount of base on the side with the clay and then add that into the remaining mixture. Hopefully this will result in a smoother finished product.

Some fine tuning is necessary.